The #ContentChat Bulletin: Making 'Limitade' Out of Our Limitations

While watching the Oscars last night. I quickly spotted Isabella Rossellini in a prime aisle seat. The best supporting actress nominee for her role in Conclave was all smiles, seated with Laura Dern.

My first thought was, "OMG! Are they doing a David Lynch tribute?"

But almost as quickly, I dismissed that thought. And I got it.

They weren't presenting a David Lynch tribute; they WERE the tribute to David.

It starts with Isabella's dress. She wore blue velvet, as all mentions of her would inevitably note, immediately conjuring up the notes of the song and visions of her in that other, Blue Velvet, dress.

For those of you who aren't avid red carpet fashion watchers, let me explain.

As nominees in the major categories walk the red carpet before the event, reporters always ask them about who or what they're wearing.

As reported by Vogue, her fashion choices were deliberate—honoring both her late mother, the actress Ingrid Bergman, whose earrings she wore, and Lynch.

The cherry on top, so to speak, was her walking the red carpet and then sitting with her Wild at Heart co-star.

In just a few simple camera shots, she gave us a master class in how to make a situation's limitations work to your advantage to get your message across.

It can be so easy to get caught up in feeling overwhelmed by our limitations as content creators.

No budget.

Too few resources.

Not enough time.

Lack of C-Suite support.

I get it. We've all been there and felt that. (I've even been referred to as an Eeyore!)

But we've got to get past feeling sorry for ourselves and dwelling on what we can't do. Instead, why not ask:

  • Who can we team up with?
  • What are we known for?
  • How can we make a big impact in as few words as possible?

So, the next time I find myself having a sad about something I can't quite pull off, I'm bookmarking this as a reminder to ask myself, 'What would Isabella do?' and 'Who's my Laura Dern?'—and you should too!

P.S. For those of you (I see you, Maureen!) who just aren't that into David Lynch and wish I'd moved on already, this is probably the last time I'll write about him—pinky swear.

Coming Up on #ContentChat

Content Chat is my weekly LinkedIn Live video chat focused on sharing expertise and ideas amongst the content marketing community. Join the conversation on Mondays at noon Pacific / 3 p.m. Eastern. RSVP for our upcoming conversations by clicking the chat date below to get a reminder and to access the chat.

  • No #ContentChat today. My scheduled guest had a conflict come up at the last minute, and I'm taking that as a sign from the universe to take the day off.
  • Take a peek at our upcoming #ContentChat guests:
    • Alexandre Gravel
    • Monica Norton
    • Amy Higgins
    • Andi Robinson

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Please take my content scalability assessment!

Thank you so much to the 150+ folks who've already taken the assessment!

With a goal of 300 participants, I'm still looking for input from the content creator and content marketing community for my book. Can you spare a few minutes to take or share my quiz? It's 10 short, multiple-choice questions that cover which content fundamentals you have in place that enable you to scale your content creation activities.

Take the quiz.

Content Marketing + Related Jobs

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If you have a content marketing contract position, full-time job, or freelancer opportunity, reply to this email and let us know. We are always happy to share jobs with the community at no cost.


Speak at Content Marketing World (CMworld)
Are you still waiting for someone to invite you to share your content marketing smarts with your peers? Well, you can consider this your official invitation to submit your proposal to speak at the 2025 Content Marketing World conference in San Diego. This page has great tips for first-time speakers. So if speaking at CMworld is on your bucket list, you have a few more days to get your proposal in!

2025 State of Create
The Patreon team set out to measure the current state of the creator economy and uncover what trends will shape its future. I won't spoil the findings, but if you feel a little frustrated about how your content performs on social media these days, the data shows you're not alone. The social platforms aren't showing people the content they've signed up to follow. "fans’ feeds are increasingly filled with recommended posts for creators they don’t know, along with ads, sponcon, and 'brain rot' – the sort of stuff that keeps you watching, but doesn’t provide lasting value."

5 Gen AI Myths Holding Sales and Marketing Teams Back
While the benefits of adopting generative AI have been thoroughly documented and shared over the past two years, many marketing teams are still waiting it out. Or, even worse, think it doesn't have anything to offer beyond writing incredibly wordy and boring content. This HBR article addresses five of the common myths surrounding AI that cause marketers to keep GenAI at arm's length.

TA #182: 🧟 The zombie test; 3 approaches to great writing
Do you struggle to see—and slay—passive voice in your writing? Ann Handley to the rescue! In the latest edition of her always entertaining and inspiring newsletter, she shares the " zombies" method for identifying passive voice in our sentences. It's as easy and powerful as a barbed-wire-wrapped baseball bat to a zombie's head. Check it out and subscribe already!

Until next time, stay safe and be well!



Erika Heald, Founder & Chief Content Officer
Erika Heald Marketing Consulting
LinkedIn: @erikaheald
Instagram: @MissErikaSF
Threads: @MisserikaSF
YouTube: @ErikaHeald

The #ContentChat Bulletin

Erika Heald is the host of the weekly #ContentChat LinkedIn Live video podcast for content marketers, held Mondays at noon Pacific. As a B2B marketing consultant, she helps organizations define and execute content marketing strategies that drive business and professional growth. As a creator, and gluten-free blogger helping people discover gut-friendly farm-to-table food. She frequently speaks at B2B marketing industry events on employee brand advocacy, content strategy, customer experience, AI readiness, and social media topics. You can find her on her blogs and

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